Electronic Intelligence - ELINT - Signals Intelligence - SIGINT - Communications Intelligence - COMINT - Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence - FISINT - Electronic Support Measures - ESM - Measurement and Signature Intelligence - MASINT - Imagery Intelligence - IMINT - Hi-Technology for Security & Safety - Home and Office Security - Counterespionage Devices - Spy Equipment - Infinity Bugs - Keyloggers - Spy Phones - Bugs Detectors - Jammers - Countermeasures - Scramblers - GPS GSM GPRS Trackers - Night Visions - Metal Detectors - CCTV - Microcameras - Hidden Cameras - Pinhole Cameras - Audio/Video Transmitters and Receivers - Video Surveillance - IP Cameras - Networking - Spy Cams - Nanny Cams - Microtransmitters - Wireless Systems - GSM Interceptor - Digital Microrecorders - Phone Encryption/Decryption Systems - Wall Contact Microphones - Shotgun Microphones - Fiberscopes - Borescopes - Covert Operating - Investigations - Electronic Bugs Detection - Computer Networks Controls - Data Recovery - Antisabotage - Custom Installations & Special Set-Ups - Personal Defence - Privacy - Monitoring - Tracking - Spy Software



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About Us

EGI Security provides Information on
Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) Technologies,
with coverage of their applications, strengths
and limitations in Surveillance, Counterespionage,
Investigation and Safety fields with an excellent
selection of Spy Equipment.

All the EGI Security Products are specifically
designed to provide the best solution for
Individuals, Business, Law Enforcement,
Private Investigation and Military Agencies.

EGI Security
also offers security and investigations
services, electronic bugs detections, surveillance,
computer networks controls, corporate counterespionage,
consulting and data recovery by Software based or Clean Room.

The EGI Security professionality is the right choice
for your Personal Protection and Privacy.

Intelligence Security Group

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